"Dont Make Me Think"

After reading Steve Krug's book "Dont Make Me Think" I found out a lot about information architecture but disagreed with it from my design point of view. So I took a break and opened my mind and read the book again.

With an open mind I could understand much better from his point of view, the tabbed navigation although it looks a little bit cramped, it is what users have come to expect, even now on blogger I am within sniffing distance of tabbed navigation as well as tabbed browsing.

I also took on board the advice about a visual hierarchy, by making important heading larger this allows a user to know exactly what they should read first, sub headings would then be smaller and finally paragraph text would be smallest as this is the order I want a user to percieve the page.

Finally I have taken on board the advice about letting a user know where they are at all times. To do this I created an active state on the navigation to show the users which page they are on as well as having a title relevant to the specific page they are on.