User Testing

At this point I felt it was relevant to do some user testing while I had a basic mockup of the site. From this I can learn how to alter the site so that it is easier for people to use and understand.

Adam Colby: After using this website I found that the navigation was easy to find and simply laid out. Each link takes you to the page you want to go to. 
However on the gallery page the images arent clearly presented and would benefit from a link to a bigger image.

Sammy Foston: This website has a nice clean layout and everything is where you would expect it to be however the site may benefit from a contact form that can be filled in.

Graham Hirst: The first thing i noticed about the website is that the home picture is pixellated and this would put me off straight away. but after been asked to run through the website as if I were bbuying some jewellery I managed to find my way through quite easily, although the navigation could maybe do to be a bit bigger.

From this I have learnt that the website I have built is not to everyones taste but it does the job that it is required for.